Peter Millar is a premium American lifestyle brand of clothing that features luxury menswear, womenswear, outerwear, accessories, and performance apparel. The clothing line is finely tailored for the sportsman and woman and businessman and woman alike. Peter Millar was founded in 2001 by Greg Oakley, Chet Sikorsky and Chris Knott. The company’s name was inspired by an inscription Knott discovered on an antique lawn bowling ball given to him by his mother. In 2005, Scott Mahoney, former executive at Ralph Lauren, partnered with Sea Island Company to purchase Peter Millar and then took leadership as Chief Executive Officer. The company has grown in leadership and partnerships ever since. Peter Millar opened its first retail store in Southampton, New York in 2001. Since then, 15 more retail stores have popped up in notable locations such as The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs and Sea Island Resort in Georgia. Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom also carry the brand online and in their stores. In addition to luxury wear for men and women, the clothing line has exclusive selections in golf wear and collegiate wear. The company currently maintains its headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina.