Wildcatter Professionalism

We've all seen the news lately...but every true Wildcatter knows that professionalism is not only expected but necessary for success.

As any Wildcatter knows, professionalism is not only expected but necessary for success. Recently the news is full of reports of famous, wealthy, and powerful men and the allegations of their misconduct, harassment, and more. Remember that power, fame, and wealth are never to be used a a means of exploiting any human. A few basic reminders should be kept in mind when dealing with colleagues, associates, customers, employees, or basically any person you come in contact with in business or life.

  • Keep your hands to yourself. “Do not touch” seems simple because it is simple.
  • Do not kiss any one that you just met. Cheek kisses are for family and familiar friends.
  • Side hugs only, never full on bear-hugs ever. When in doubt, shake hands.
  • Keep politics, sex, religion, gender, and race out of jokes or conversations in the board room or employee work spaces.
  • Comments about gender, body parts, or sex lives are never appropriate.
  • Establish and respect work boundaries and create a safe work environment.