Texas Monthly Feature

Our latest venture has been featured in this month's issue of Texas Monthly magazine!

The Wildcatters Network is diving into the film industry with our newest venture! The Network has partnered with West Texas native filmmaker, Ty Roberts to turn Tom Pendelton’s epic novel, The Iron Orchard, into a movie. A feature on the project was written up in this month’s issue of Texas Monthly.

Christian Wallace of Texas Monthly writes:

In 2016, Roberts and producer Houston Hill managed to put together enough financing to set a date for production. Two weeks away from the first scheduled shoot day and still underfunded, Roberts connected with Greg McCabe, of the Wildcatters Network, an online investment platform. McCabe proved to be the angel Roberts had been hoping would appear to help cover the remaining deficit. “We took a big leap of faith, and it paid off,” Roberts said. It seemed The Iron Orchard movie was going to be made at last.

Read the full story here!