The Wildcatter Seal of Approval

This exclusive honor is not given flippantly!

As a general rule, Wildcatters are reluctant to give out recommendations on life’s finer things. As life’s finer things often comes with a price tag, it is dangerous to encourage someone to open up the wallet for something that ultimately might be perceived as an epic fail.

Everyone has unique likes and dislikes.

When discussing an upcoming trip to the wine country, you might love that boutique hotel tucked into the hills of Sonoma Valley, while the person you are chatting with prefers to be in the heart of San Francisco at night and take limo tours of Napa during the day.

While one Wildcatter may rave about the perfect 20-year-old Scotch, another might think it tastes like licking an ashtray.

Recommending costly products and services is a risky venture. There is very little upside and significant downside. The biggest downside, of course, is hearing someone squawk about the “bad advice” for years to come!

Never one to shy away from risks, the Wildcatters Network proudly presents…the Wildcatter Seal of Approval.

This is sacred ground. The Wildcatter Seal of Approval will not be awarded flippantly. These are recommendations we confidently make without reservation or second thought. We hope you enjoy these exclusive products, services, and adventures as much as we do.