The Importance of Sleep

"There is a time for many words, there is also a time for sleep."

“There is a time for many words, there is also a time for sleep.”


Humans spend about 1/3 of their lives asleep and studies show that a good night’s rest is essential to our daily function and health. To be on top of their game, Wildcatter’s need restful sleep to keep their mind and body sharp and functioning at high levels.

Sleep issues can surface at any point of our lives and those who struggle with sleep issues seek to find that perfect solution to a restful night. Adequate sleep and rest promotes better mood, memory, energy, concentration, and productivity. Poor sleepers have been linked to higher obesity and weight gain issues, depression, and research has also shown a connection with glucose metabolism and Type 2 diabetes risk. In other words, sleep is not good but great for your mind and body.

Sleep/meditation apps and sleep-related services are at an all time popularity right now. These apps work with your body’s sleep rhythms to wake you naturally and slowly. It can analyze sleep patterns, offer suggestions, and even sleep times. Sleep Cycle and Sleep Better are both free sleep apps.

Cancelled flight or delay…no problem, many airports offer micro-hotel rooms. Dubai International Airport has Snooze Cubes for a very affordable private nap space. The cubes are just that, a place to take a power nap. Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) Airport has Minute Suites and New Delhi (DEL) Airport offers SAMS (Snooze at my Space). These sleep stations are just a few examples of the airports that offer sleep spaces.

Sleep is essential to our well being, so make the most of your day by beginning with your night.