Siri and Alexa, Meet Amy: The Newest Virtual Assistant

Technology is constantly evolving to simplify our lives. is an innovative application that acts as a personal assistant to help you plan meetings and manage your schedule. This unique approach seeks to save its busy users the seemingly endless amount of time it takes to schedule and reschedule meetings. This innovate new technology takes advantage of artificial intelligence to make this type of service more accessible to a wider range of people, essentially democratizing access to a personal assistant.

The process is simple: when you receive an email with a meeting request, instead of going through all the back and forth to finalize a time and place, you can simply forward the email to your virtual assistant, “Amy”, who then takes over the process by interacting with your contacts over email as you would. Her Wi-Fi connection also allows access to various public and private meeting rental spaces in any location, including corporate buildings, shared workspaces, public spaces, and even airports. There’s no sign-in, no password, and no need to download anything to make it work, simply CC Amy on any relevant email threads.

The concept of a personal assistant in not one new one. The founder simply saw a problem in the current market and developed a solution by taking advantage of AI capabilities that are constantly being developed and improved upon. This application is especially appealing to the next generation of entrepreneurs and digital nomads who tend to have more flexible work practices and lifestyle. It can also be particularly helpful for those mobile influencers that don’t necessarily have a traditional workspace or business schedule.

Interested in trying it out? Introduce yourself here! founder Dennis R. Mortensen