Wildcatters and Their Handshake

There is rarely a gray area on the value of a handshake: a handshake means everything...or it means nothing.

Business agreement handshake at coffee shop

There is a romantic symbolism to the time-honored tradition of the handshake…especially to a Wildcatter. Historically, in business dealings, the handshake means “we have a deal”. However, far more important than the finalization of the deal, the handshake symbolizes that both parties will be true to their word and to the spirit of the deal.

First evidence of the handshake appeared in Greece, dating back to the 5th century B.C. Then, the act of shaking hands was a gesture of peace and the acknowledgment that neither party had a weapon.

Now, the handshake is basically a symbolic representation of an oral contract, much the way a signature is the representation of a written contract. Wildcatters are keenly aware that a handshake is only as valuable as the person behind it.

There is rarely a gray area on the value of a handshake: a handshake means everything…or it means nothing. You better know who you are dealing with before placing too much faith in the ritual.

Certainly, written contracts are very important in the world of business. However, there has yet to be a contract written that a huckster, or a slick lawyer, couldn’t twist to make it say something that was never intended.

Hence, the importance of the handshake. A true Wildcatter appreciates that the single most important message from the handshake is that both parties will do their best to live up to the spirit of the agreement, regardless of potential ambiguities in the contract or unforeseen events not covered by the contract.

Wildcatters instinctively know that the value and the power of their handshake, especially as it relates to their reputation for future deals, is far more important than dollars gained or lost in a current deal.

So be aware:

Used wisely, your handshake is the most powerful asset in your business arsenal…protect it with all of your might.