Learning from Our Mistakes

A successful Wildcatter is always learning...which sometimes means learning from our own mistakes.

The good life oftentimes has little to do with outside circumstances. We are happy and fulfilled mostly by who we are on the inside. Research validates this simple fact. Furthermore, our internal lives largely contribute to producing many of our external circumstances.

And, the converse is true: people who are still trying to find success in various areas of life can almost always point to one or more of these patterns as a reason they are repeating the same mistakes.

“I’m never satisfied. I’m always trying to get better and learn from my mistakes.”

-Russell Westbrook

Everyone makes mistakes…even the most successful people out there. But, what achievers do better than others is recognize the patterns that are causing those mistakes and do their best to never repeat them again. In short, they learn from pain—their own and the pain of others.

A good thing to remember is this: pain is unavoidable, but repeating the same pain twice, when we could choose to learn and do something different, is certainly avoidable. We don’t need new ways to fail….the old ones are working just fine! Wildcatters, our task in business and in life, is to observe what these mistakes are, and never go back to doing them again.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

-Albert Einstein*

*It’s not everyday that Russell Westbrook and Albert Einstein are quoted in the same article!!