Grading Your Goals: Seeing Results

We have found that it is easier to stick to New Year’s Resolutions when you are getting tangible results. The best way to achieve this? A simple grading scale.

At the end of each year, grade you goals from 0-5. A ZERO, of course, is your score if you did not achieve your goal at all. The much-prized FIVE is the reward if you did exactly what you had intended when memorializing your desires one full year before. Obviously, some goals have gray areas, so you have the full scale to grade just how well you achieved a certain goal.

After you have graded each goal on a scale of 0-5, average them out by dividing the sum of the grades by the number of goals graded and you have got your score for the year. At the end of the night, the person with the highest score essentially wins the year.

It’s fun to compare grades with your fellow goal companions, but the grades are really there to provide a baseline for your own self-improvement. While it is fun to outscore your companions, the real prize is to outscore your own previous year’s score!