Cigar 101 – Lighting the Cigar

What's the best way to smoke a cigar?

If you’re new to the vice, you may be wondering how exactly do I smoke a cigar?

Easy, it’s like any other skill, practice makes perfect! First things first: clip the tip (closed end) of the cigar. A good rule of thumb is to place the cigar 1/4-1-2” into the cigar clipper and try to make a clean, even cut. Of course those who mess up will tell you they prefer the angle or “French-Cut”. Straight or angle cut, it works as long as the cut leaves about 1/8 of the cap on to prevent unraveling of the cigar because you don’t want to spit small pieces of tobacco out as you smoke. In other words, just snip a “small” amount – not tiny, not big – but as Goldilocks put it…“just right”. There are v-cuts and bullet cuts but let’s stick to the basics for now.

Now, the lighting part. Experts say to use a butane lighter, but anything will do. With your lighter or match, put your cigar just over the top of the flame, not directly in it or touching it. Now, rotate the cigar while puffing, NOT inhaling it. If you get the urge to cough, then you inhaled. Keep rotating above the flame while puffing for about 20 second until the rim begins to glow. Blow on the lit end, and check to see if it’s glowing. If not, try it again.

Future lessons to follow!