- Send out invites asking each guest to bring 2 bottles of the same wine (specify if you want everyone to bring a specific varietal or just red or white) within a certain price range.
- As guests arrive, the host will immediately take the bottle of wine and put it in a numbered bag (Amazon has great kits!).
- Place bottles on the table and guests can start blind sampling from each bottle while making notes and ranking them on their taster cards (also in the kit).
- Suggestion: Having meat and cheese plates around will help guests cleanse their palates and will add to the festiveness of the event.
- After the guests have sampled all the wines, they will hand over their rankings to the host who will tally the votes and declare the winners. It is fun to unveil each bottle one by one to see guest reactions as to where their bottle lands in the rankings.
- The winner gets to take home all the second bottles that the other guests brought, adding a good number of bottles to their collection! This gives the event a playfully competitive aspect and will encourage people to take it more seriously at your next event, not to mention something to brag about.