Gambling for Good: A Philanthropic Approach to Long-term Betting is a platform for “enjoyably competitive” predictions of socially or scientifically important topics. The catch? The money at stake is all philanthropic.

The organization aims to be three things:

  • a platform for competitive betting and long term “predictions”
  • a forum for focused debates about listed predictions
  • a tool to promote philanthropic giving

How it works:

  1. You can post your own prediction:
    1. Minimum of 2 years, no maximum
    2. Must be of socially or scientifically importance/interest
    3. These are not theories, and you must elaborate on your reasoning
    4. Pay a $50 fee to publish a prediction
  2. Predictions can become bets if challenged
    1. You can challenge a prediction, providing your own theory and reasoning
    2. Once the original predictor accepts, you can agree upon an amount (minimum $200) and each select your charitable donation
    3. Sign the bettors agreement and sit back

Fun Examples:

  1. Warren Buffett predicts (for the benefit of Girls Incorporated of Omaha): “Over a ten-year period commencing on January 1, 2008, and ending on December 31, 2017, the S&P 500 will outperform a portfolio of funds of hedge funds, when performance is measured on a basis net of fees, costs and expenses.” Protege Partners, LLC bets $1,000,000 for Friends of Absolute Return for Kids, Inc against him with their own theory.
  2. “The US men’s soccer team will win the World Cup before the Red Sox win the World Series.”