5 Things You Can Do Daily to Improve Your Mindset

Mindset is a set of attitudes. Hard work and resilience are much more important to growth and success than brains or talent. When we change our mindset to one of growth, we change the course of our lives.

We can do these simple steps daily to improve our mindset:

1. Just breathe.

Studies show that just a few minutes a day of quiet can open our brains and make it available for our most innovative ideas. Sit or stand in a quiet spot, feet on the floor, and hands by your side or on your knees. Now quiet your mind. Just breathe, consciously and deeply from your belly. You don’t have to be a meditation expert to do this. Five to 10 minutes of quiet, deep breathing during the day can also help us get back on track when stress levels get high and clear our minds to come up with a better solution or next step to our challenge.

2. Check your thoughts.

Our thoughts are powerful. They create feelings, which leads to actions and behaviors that determine whether our day goes well. Learning that we can choose our thoughts is one of the most powerful things we can do to take charge of our lives. Taking five minutes to make sure our thoughts are positive starts the day off with the right mindset.

“I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.”

Roger Clemens

3. Be grateful.

Write down five things you are grateful for every day. According to research, keeping a gratitude journal contributes to a positive life attitude, and makes us feel better, sleep better, and even have stronger immune systems. At the end of the week, you will be surprised how this helps your mindset.

4. Set your intentions for the day.

Before you leave in the morning, set an intention of how you want the day to end. How do you want the actions you accomplish today to make you feel at the end of the day? How do you want to feel about your relationships, and what can you do today to move that forward? It doesn’t have to be major. What is one thing you can do that will make you feel better at the end of the day?

5. Turn off the noise.

Find something else to listen to when you begin your day. Do your morning routine without listening to the news, talking on the phone, or checking social media. Listen to your favorite music, a lecture you’ve recorded and have been wanting to get time for, or just observe what’s happening around you. Do this for a week and you will find yourself in a calmer, more positive, and relaxed mindset.