Tips On Staying Focused

“Our level of awareness creates how we perceive reality.

If each day you decide to raise your awareness

and bring your focus into everything

that you do or experience,

life empowers you.”

–Guillaume Wolf

  1. Get rid of distractions: keep your space clean, minimize noise, and put your phone away if you don’t need it to work.
  2. Make a to-do list: prioritize and reward your accomplishments. Most of us like to check off the small things first and save the tough ones for last. But as the day goes on, you loose steam with every task and decision you make. To keep focus, reverse this, and start with the items that need more creativity and concentration first.
  3. Take a 5-10 minute break for every hour of work. Take a short walk outside, to rest your eyes and to get your blood pumping in order to reinvigorate yourself.
  4. Time management: recognize the difference between things you can and cannot control and allocate your time appropriately.

“Victims focus on what they do not control. Survivors focus on what they do control.”

–Kevin M Gilmartin