Time Wasters That Will Keep Your From Success

Have you ever felt overwhelmed, stressed, and like you’re not accomplishing your goals? Have you ever felt stuck or at a point which you didn’t know what to do? It is important to analyze how we spend our days, hour by hour, and regularly look for ways to work smarter, and ways to eliminate time-wasters.

“If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Let’s look at eight things that productive, successful people don’t waste their time doing, nor should you:

  1. Don’t get sucked into social media. Being on social media is a part of everyday life. But if you don’t control how much time you spend on it, the hours will fly by and you won’t accomplished anything on your to-do list. Only get on after completing necessary work projects. Use social media as a reward.
  2. Don’t go through the day without a plan. Have a purpose, a laser-focused plan of things you want to achieve on a particular day. Write things down—but only the top two or three priorities you need to accomplish that day, not a long list of things.
  3. Don’t do emotionally draining activities. You have to focus on things that positively fuel your life. Don’t waste their time on things that emotionally drain you.
  4. Don’t worry about things you can’t control. Realize that worrying gets you absolutely nowhere in life, especially if you can’t do anything about a situation. Turn your thoughts to action-based activities and focus on things you can get done.
  5. Don’t hang out with negative people. It’s said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. So if you want to be your best, you have to surround yourself with the best people.
  6. Don’t dwell on past mistakes. You will make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The key to being successful in life is not making the same mistake twice, learning and growing from mistakes, and becoming a better person because of them.
  7. Don’t focus on what other people are doing. Be inspired by others, but focus your mindset to only compete with the most important person: yourself.
  8. Don’t put yourself last in priority. We all go through times that we don’t get enough sleep or exercise because we need to work on a big project. But for long-term success and happiness, you must put yourself first on the priority list. Make time for yourself.

Are there things on this list that have been time-wasters for you? Eliminate them so you can step into your best life.