The “Big Six” Attributes of Serial Entrepreneurs

The six distinguishing characteristics that all serial entrepreneurs possess:

No, I am not talking about Captain Crunch or Tony the Tiger. These guys might be “cereal” entrepreneurs, but they would never be considered “serial” entrepreneurs.

Everyone knows that an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. Ahhh, but a serial entrepreneur is never satisfied with tackling just a single project.

In the criminal world, the term “serial” means repeatedly committing the same offense, and following a predictable behavior pattern. That definition actually fits nicely with serial entrepreneurs as well.

Serial entrepreneurs are often guilty of “committing the same offense” and their behavior is definitely “predictable”.

Are you a serial entrepreneur?? Here are the six distinguishing characteristics that all serial entrepreneurs possess:

  1. Problem-Solver – most people are excellent at identifying problems, but the serial entrepreneur is super-quick at moving from problem to solution.
  2. Creative at Monetization – Solving a problem is only the first step of the process. A serial entrepreneur can not only fix the problem, but he can convert his solution in to cold hard cash.
  3. Multi-Tasker – An expert in a single field can be extremely valuable, however a serial entrepreneur is rarely an expert in just one topic. He is, however, very proficient in a multitude of disciplines and he can switch effortlessly back and forth from these disciplines.
  4. Smart Worker – Working hard is a wonderful attribute. A man digging a ditch is a hard worker, however a serial entrepreneur will dig your ditch by inventing a trencher.
  5. Expert at Risk Analysis – Fearless, but not reckless, a serial entrepreneur does not play scared. However, he is acutely aware of the risks that might destroy his vision, and he does everything in his power to mitigate those risks.
  6. Visualizer of Rewards – A serial entrepreneur can mentally “jump to the end of the book” and imagine how his newest venture will allow him to live happily ever after. They always have their eye on the Prize!