Leave Your Comfort Zone

Without taking a chance, we forfeit success that comes with subsequent opportunities.

It has often been said that most of our opportunities will come outside of our comfort zone.  We strive to keep stress at a minimum by keeping things comfortable and predictable. We are, after all, creatures of habit.  However, when things become comfortable, we don’t grow personally.  When we stick with our fears and embrace only that which is familiar, we run the risk of falling behind everyone else that was willing to take a chance and step outside of what was comfortable.  Without taking a chance, we forfeit success that comes with subsequent opportunities.

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

– Muhammad Ali

Here are some tips that will move you towards personal growth and opportunity:

Start small.  Baby steps, if you will.  Go to a place where there is less predictability than your comfort zone but contains opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable.  Leaving your comfort zone is bound to make you feel exposed, but that is a fundamental part of the process.

Develop momentum.  Momentum takes time and so does leaving your comfort zone.  Take it one step at a time.  Evaluate where you are and plan where you want to go next.  Then take your step in your new direction.

We are surrounded by many comforts daily.  It is our job to shake it up a bit and grow! What are you waiting for?