Glenn McCarthy

When iconic movie star James Dean is selected to re-create your persona for a major motion picture, you know you're Livin' Large!!

  • Known in his time as “The King of the Wildcatters,” this oil tycoon engaged in diverse and aggressive investments across many different sectors, leading to a series of financial ups and downs throughout his career.
  • His extravagant lifestyle and perfect embodiment of the rags-to-riches Texas oil millionaire catapulted him to national notoriety.
  • The grand opening of his Shamrock Hotel is known to this day as, “Houston’s biggest party.”
  • His charismatic and larger than life personality inspired the fictional character of Jett Rink in Edna Ferber’s book, Giant, later adapted into a film starring James Dean as the title Wildcatter.

“He was known as a man who could drill a well in half the time it would take a major oil company, a man inclined to raise his fists at every affront whether large, small or imaginary … but he could charm Lady Godiva off her horse.”

-Geologist Michel Halbouty on McCarthy